1.) Make your payments in the correct amount on or before the due date! This will have a positive effect on your credit score. Missing or late payments and judgements, bankruptcies, collections or other public records will have an unfavourable impact on a credit score.
2.) Keep your balance considerably lower than the available credit limit provided. If you have several accounts with high balances relative to your available credit, this may indicate that you are relying greatly on credit to meet your daily needs.
3.) Multiple credit inquiries can lower your credit score, so reduce the number of credit applications you make.
4.) Always maintain a credit history. You can use a credit card to build a good history.
5.) The best mix of credit is a combination of a store credit card and a major credit card such as a VISA or MasterCard. It is important not to have too many credit cards or store cards as that may negatively impact a credit score.
Displine and pay on time, try to avoid too many credit card application attraction because of little sweet.
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